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See What Makes Learn to Live Special

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See What Makes Learn to Live Special


Recovering from addiction isn't easy. It's a process & LTLR has a team of experts to guide their residents through the stages of recovery in a beautiful & serene setting that actually feels like a home.

LTLR offers a variety of programs for their residents PLUS a FREE family support program since family members are also going through the recovery process with their loved ones.

LTLR also gets their residents out of the seclusion of addiction, we actually have fun!

If the thought of recovering from your addiction feels overwhelming, please take a look at what we offer. We've been there and know that life is worth living. Life is actually BETTER when you know longer feel like you need to fill a void with drugs and alcohol.

Ready to smile again? Want to learn more? Visit us on Facebook @learntoliverecovery

#addiction #recovery #drugs #alcohol #soberliving #soberhousing #best #stl #kc #familysupport #individualsupport #grouptherapy

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Annonseid: 604069
Utløper: 2024.07.27 (om 56 dager)
Lagt til: 2023.07.03
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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