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Our Resident Know the Value of Sobriety

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Our Resident Know the Value of Sobriety


Here is what one of our residents had to say...

"I literally can't afford to go to treatment right now."

Again, as I mentioned before, I felt the immense financial pressure already for my current financial situation.
However, I didn't take the following things into consideration

The amount I was spending on drugs was by far my largest expense. EVER!

I had no problem getting myself into debt to go out and party all night long and have week long benders.
The reality for me was that I couldn't afford NOT to go to treatment/sober living.

I needed to look at the cost of treatment/sober living, not as an expense, but as the BEST investment I could possibly make in myself.

Going to treatment/sober living was by far the best investment I've ever made.
It not only gave me my life back, but it gave me a new life beyond my wildest dreams.


Follow us on Facebook to learn more @learntoliverecovery


We are located in beautiful Hermann, MO but accept men from across the country.

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Annonce No: 606077
Annonce consultée:3223
Annonce expirant: 2024.05.28 (dedans 9 Jours)
Date: 2023.08.02
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