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Top Causes of Lower Back Pain & How to Prevent It

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Top Causes of Lower Back Pain & How to Prevent It


Lower back discomfort is a frequent condition affecting individuals of all ages. The chief causes of lower back pain include poor posture, extended sitting, heavy lifting, weak core muscles, and medical problems including ruptured discs or sciatica. Identifying the reason is crucial to finding the proper cure and preventing prolonged pain.

Prevention Tips:
1. Maintain proper posture to avoid spinal strain.
2. Strengthen your core with frequent workouts.
3. Take breaks to prevent sitting or standing for too long.
4. Use correct lifting practices to avoid injury.
5. Keep a healthy weight to avoid back strain.

By remaining active, correcting posture, and treating concerns early, you may avoid lower back discomfort and stay mobility for life.


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Annonseid: 661528
Utløper: 2025.02.20 (om 16 dager)
Lagt til: 2025.01.21
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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