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Vicidial Open Source Interface

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Vicidial Open Source Interface


We are KingAsterisk Technology and we work on providing advanced Call Center Software Solutions. One of our flagship offerings is the Custom VICIdial solution.

VICIdial Open-Source Interface

We offer a complete VICIdial solution. Which includes open-source installation, configuration and fully customized agent and administrator themes. Our experts ensure an arrangement that is totally custom-made to your prerequisites. We provide customized expert and head topics. Our user-friendly interface for your team will be well received. Our VICIdial solutions integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. It maximizes productivity while minimizing downtime.

"See How It Works!" : https://demo.kingasterisk.com/call-center-dialer.php

We provide free setup, installation, and configuration of VICIDIAL on clients' servers.

We offer fully customizable dialer software on the client-server. We can tweak the dialer to meet our client's needs for functionality, reporting, and a custom GUI.

We do not trade in VoIP routes, DID, servers, or any other gear, and we do not offer rent-based dialers.

Our dialer has no restrictions on the number of Agents. It also relies on your hardware. If you have up to 100 agents, we may provide cluster solutions for you.

Contact the experts at KingAsterisk for a free consultation. Contact us right away!

Contact Information:

WhatsApp: +1(786) 414 2610
Skype: king.asterisk / kingdialer
Call: +91 968 773 3355
Email: king@kingasterisk.com

Visit our website at https://kingasterisk.com / https://dialerking.com

Got questions? We're here to help! Drop them in the comments or shoot us a message. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Let's Create Something Awesome!

Informations générales:

Vendu par: KingAsteriskTechnology (0 / # 0) Rang KingAsteriskTechnology
Email: Contacter le vendeur

Detail de l'annonce

Annonce No: 640061
Annonce consultée:292
Annonce expirant: 2024.10.26 (dedans 111 Jours)
Date: 2024.06.28
Evaluation actuelle (Après 0 votes) Rang

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