How to manage Sciatica pain?

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How to manage Sciatica pain?


The term "sciatica" stands for discomfort that affects the sciatic nerve and is located in the back, thigh, and calf parts. This can often be linked to compression of the sciatic nerve which can be a result of either pressure or injury. Typical symptoms include this burning and shooting pain that travels along the nerve pathway, and due to this, you may start experiencing numbness and find it difficult to move the affected leg and foot.

Perform stretches and exercises
Light stretches and low-impact movements can help to provide the sciatic nerve with some relief and also develop the supporting muscles of your back and waist. Attempt hamstring and calf stretches, pelvic tilts, knee-chest movements, and low back twists if you are one of those people suffering from back pain. A simple workout routine, recommended by the specialist for Sciatica Brooklyn Staten Island, can be designed by your physical therapist considering the type of sport you are involved in.
Your physician will recommend pain medications, steroid injections, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, or surgery when non-medical natural methods like self-care have proven to be ineffective in reducing chronic or severe sciatica pain.

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