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Cisco IE-4010-4S24P network switch Managed L2/L3 Gigabit (PoE) 1U Black

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Cisco IE-4010-4S24P network switch Managed L2/L3 Gigabit (PoE) 1U Black


Cisco® Industrial Ethernet (IE) 4010 Series Switches with 28 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are high-performance ruggedized Layer2/3 switches with high-density Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) capabilities, making them an ideal choice for use as access switches in industrial environments. The 4010 delivers comprehensive Cisco IOS® Software security features and high-availability ring protocols. The switch is ideal for outdoor enclosures or harsh environments while adhering to overall IT network design, compliance, and performance requirements.

The 4010 has a comprehensive software feature set, developed from manufacturing, utility, and enterprise switching products making it excellent for extended temperature range locations, such as smart buildings, utility, process control, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and city surveillance programs. The 4010 complements the existing Cisco IE 2000, IE 2000U, IE 3000, IE 3010, IE 4000, and IE 5000 Series Switching families, as well as the Cisco CGS 2520 Switch.

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Selges av: owncar (0 / # 0) Vurder owncar


Annonseid: 634734
Utløper: 2024.08.21 (om 60 dager)
Lagt til: 2024.04.23
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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