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Healex Polyclinic - Best Orthopedic Clinic in Noida Best Gynecology Clinic in Noida

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Healex Polyclinic - Best Orthopedic Clinic in Noida Best Gynecology Clinic in Noida


Dr. Mayank Chauhan is one of the renowned orthopaedic doctors in Noida with over 10+ years of experience. He specializes in treating Arthritis, pain management, joint replacement surgery, fracture and joint dislocation treatment, neck and spinal disorders, knee arthroplasty, and hip arthroplasty. His area of expertise lies in providing the best treatment through small incisions, minimal pain, and early recovery. Healex Clinic is equipped with advanced technology machines and the latest equipment. Dr. Priyambada Pathak is a leading physiotherapist in Noida. She holds experience of more than 8 years in treating joint movement, sports injuries, rehabilitation, and back pain. She possesses excellence by treating the patients with utmost care

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Selges av: Sneha K (0 / # 0) Vurder Sneha K
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Annonseid: 634393
Utløper: 2024.08.17 (om 65 dager)
Lagt til: 2024.04.19
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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