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Unpolished Foxtail Millets: Your Gateway to Remain Healthy

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Unpolished Foxtail Millets: Your Gateway to Remain Healthy


When we talk about unpolished little millet, it is the smallest of all the five positive millet. It has an off-white appearance and looks creamish. It has 9.8 percent fiber content. Little millet scientifically is known by the name panicum sumatrans. In English, we call it little millet.

If you want to eat millets, it is recommended to eat only Unpolished Foxtail Millets as it has complete vitamins and minerals. Polished millets reduce the vitamins and minerals of the grains. Most importantly, unpolished millets are gluten-free in nature. Its glycemic index is low and it is suitable for hot weather.

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Annonce No: 638744
Annonce consultée:1248
Annonce expirant: 2024.08.02 (dedans 31 Jours)
Date: 2024.06.03
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