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No 1 educational consultancy in Delhi

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No 1 educational consultancy in Delhi


As every exam. and entrance is almost finished for the academic year 23–24! and the academic year is about to start for AY 24/25. All of you are waiting for results, and at the same time, many of you are searching for the best college and course for you to study and make your career successful. But you are having confusion about which course and college is best for you to start your post-career career. Now, no worries, as you have with you India's No. 1 educational consultancy located in Bangalore, which provides all education solutions in one place.

Education solutions in terms of best admission guidance, best career guidance, best admission counseling at any college in India, best scientific career counseling, best career selection through a brain mapping test, course selection as per your skill and knowledge, college or university selection, student housing services if you need them most, and scholarships for eligible students.

So without any worries call now to Indian Educational Services (IES) now and grab your future by getting the best guidance and admissions counseling at any college that suits you. The IES team of experts is dedicatedly to working 24/7 to help you better.

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Detail de l'annonce

Annonce No: 637712
Annonce consultée:748
Annonce expirant: 2024.09.20 (dedans 80 Jours)
Date: 2024.05.23
Evaluation actuelle (Après 0 votes) Rang

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