Half-Baked Policies Ruining UK Entrepreneurial Scope

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Half-Baked Policies Ruining UK Entrepreneurial Scope


Tej Kohli, a renowned businessman from London, takes a dig at the UK's current PM's 'half-baked' tax policies. He questions what role the UK will be able to play in the coming technology revolution. Furthermore, he urged the local government to look upon the current tax policies and make sure they favor their entrepreneurs more.

The next major technological milestone the world will witness will be spatial intelligence with "sight-to-action" technology for vehicles. Tej Kohli insisted that the coming AI revolution will be acting upon visual data by understanding human emotions and actions.

For more information visit https://www.cityam.com/starmers-tax-take-britain-will-see-us-take-a-back-seat-in-the-looming-tech-revolution/

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Sold by: Tej Kohli (0 / # 0) Grade Tej Kohli
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