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Bring durability and feasibility to bath zones with cutting-edge Bathroom renovation in Salisbury

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Bring durability and feasibility to bath zones with cutting-edge Bathroom renovation in Salisbury


The foremost family-owned and operated enterprise of Advantage Tiles & Bathroom offers the best-certified professionals for holistic Bathroom renovation in Salisbury. Transforming your standard bath space into a luxury zone, these experts initiate the renovation process by assessing the prevailing structure of the restrooms, along with considering the plumbing framework. This step is vital to establish the scope of such restoration while sorting out the setbacks and maximizing the options of functionality and space utilization. Consequently, the renovators select the best quality materials and fittings, inclusive of tiles, faucets, lighting, and countertops to showcase the aesthetic attraction and durability of the washrooms. The professionals also bring in functional storage options of customized shelves and cabinets that thoroughly optimize the bath zones and make them clutter-free. Find more details by visiting


Advantage Tiling & Bathrooms

47 Duke Ave, Para Hills SA

South Australia, 5096, Australia

Ph no: +61 419 598 339


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Annonseid: 632675
Utløper: 2024.07.30 (om 57 dager)
Lagt til: 2024.04.01
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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